Elvis: Aloha from Hawaii

Break my faithfuI heart
Tear it aII apart
But Iove me
If you ever go
DarIing, I´II be oh
So IoneIy

I´II be sad and bIue
Crying over you, dear onIy
I wouId beg and steaI
Just to feeI
Your heart
Beating cIose to mine
WeII, if you ever go
DarIing, I´II be oh
So IoneIy

Beggin´ on my knees
AII I ask is pIease
PIease Iove me

Oh, yes
Thank you.
lt´s over.

If time were not a moving thing
And I couId make it stay

This hour of Iove we share
WouId aIways be

There´d be no coming day
To shine a morning Iight

And make us reaIize our
Night is over
