Elvis: Aloha from Hawaii

When you waIk away from me
There is no pIace to put my hand
Except to shade my eyes against
the sun that rises over the Iand

I watch you waIk away
Somehow I have to Iet you go

Cause it´s over
If you knew just how I reaIIy
FeeI you might return and yet

There are so many times
That peopIe have to Iove
And then forget

Oh there might
Have been a way somehow

I have to force myseIf to say
It´s over

So I turn my back
Turn my coIIar to the wind
Move aIong in siIence
Trying not to think at aII

I set my feet before me
WaIk the siIent street before me
Now it´s over

If time were not a moving thing
And I couId make you stay
This hour of Iove we share

WouId aIways be
There´d be no coming day

To shine a morning Iight
And make us reaIize our
Night is over

It´s over
Thank you very much.
Thank you.
WeII, it´s one for the money
Two for the show

Three to get ready
Now go, cat, go

But don´t you step on
My bIue suede shoes

You can do anything but Iay off
Of my bIue suede shoes

You can knock me down
Step in my face
