High Plains Drifter

I don´t remember lending
my wagons to be shot up...

by those goddamned fools out there.
You´re gonna look awfully silly
with that knife sticking up your ass.

Fire! Pull those triggers!
Come on!

You still here?
No, I wasjust goin´.
- Damn! Can you do that every time?
- Damn right he can.

We´re not gonna have a thing
in the world to worry about.

This is gonna be a picnic!
All right, keep ´em after it, huh?
You men carpenters?
Sí, senor.
We do rough fixings.

Could you make some big tables
that a lot of people could sit?

- Like for a church picnic?
- Exactly.

Well, you could use sawhorses
and one-by-twelvers.

Could you have them ready
for me by tomorrow morning?

- Ifwe have the lumber.
- You´ll have the lumber.

Come on with me.
- You really plannin´ a picnic?
- Any objection?

No, just it´s the damnedest thing
I ever heard of.

- You haven´t heard the funny part.
- What´s that?

You´re furnishing
the beer and whiskey.

- Preacher.
- Good morning, Brother Belding.
