Paper Moon

- How come you're taking me?
- 'Cause I'm going that way, honey.

Although I do want to make just one stop
before we leave town.

- Got a little business to do.
- You know my mama real good?

Oh, pretty good.
You just stay out here.
Don't you say a word unless I ask you to.

- Mr Robertson?
- That's right.

- I'd like a minute of your time.
- Not buying today.

- Just want you to meet somebody.
- So what?

- Tell him your name, honey.
- Addie. Addie Loggins.

You done real fine. I'll be out in a minute.
- Ain't she a sweet child?
- No, she ain't.

Maybe not now, because she's sad,
with her mama dead and
your drunken brother hitting that tree.

What are you trying to pull? Get out!
- I'm going. I'll tell you where.
- I don't care!

To see J T Faraday.
You know who he is?
One of the biggest lawyers in Kansas.

He don't favour the man with the money.
Know what's going to happen
to your brother? A lawsuit against him.

Everything's going to be tied up in knots.
His money, his house, all he owns!

Including half this plant.
Don't think that poor child ain't entitled,
'cause she is.

Now, I was thinking,
$2,000 would be acceptable.

I'll give you 200.
- $200?
- $200.

It's a deal.
There you are.
