Paper Moon

That'll be $67.54.
- You sure these tyres are new?
- $67.54.

Now, we'll have you to St Jo in no time.
- When's the next train to St Joseph?
- St Joseph? Let's see.

That'll be the 4.14. Change trains in
Kansas City and into St Jo at 9.52 a.m.

One child's price ticket.
Send a telegram to Mrs Billie Roy Griggs,
Cosmo Row, St Joseph.

"Train arriving 9.52 a.m. And bringing
love, affection and $20 cash."

Make that $25 cash
and sign it just Addie Loggins.

Ten words, that will be 85 cents more.
That will be $12.30.
You'd better say in that message,
"Love, affection and $20 cash."

"Love, affection and $20 cash."
Here's your ticket,
and $20 for your Aunt Billie.

We got till 4.15.
I don't suppose you can wait here
by yourself, can you?

You hungry? Want a Nehi
and a Coney Island?
