Paper Moon

I now owe you $103.72.
Roosevelt said we're all feeling better.
- He did?
- Made me feel good saying that.

- Better than I've felt in a long time.
- Bet old Frank wishes you was 21.

You don't like me, do you?
No, I don't like you!
- Yes?
- Ma'am, is Mr Bates at home?

Mr Bates is dead. He died a week ago.
Passed over? I was just talking to him
not less than a month ago.

- What was it you wanted?
- My name is Pray, Kansas Bible Co.

I have this Bible Mr Bates ordered.
- Bible?
- Who is it? What's the trouble?

- It's about Benjamin buying a Bible.
- Bible? What kind of Bible?

Says he talked to Benjamin a month ago.
I'm not sure of the dates.
Benjamin didn't go near that shop
for more than a month before he died.

I may be mixed up on the dates.
