Paper Moon

- Give the child her $20.
- Yes, sir!

- And some candy.
- Yes, sir!

- And pay attention to things!
- Yes, sir!

Get your cotton candy!
Sweet hot cotton candy!
- Five cents.
- Do you have change for this five?

There you are, little girl. Cotton candy!
Cotton candy!

Mister, this purse is full. If you give me
a five, I'll give you five ones.

- Get your cotton candy right here!
- Mister!

Unless you've got a $10 bill? I'll give you
the five back, along with the five ones.

There. Now, don't bother me any more.
Cotton candy!
Step up and get your cotton candy!

Get your tickets for a fourth of a dollar!
The show goes on in five minutes!

Six unusual ladies
unveiling the secret of passion,

found only a few years back in the
Egyptian tomb of Queen Neferetti,

and featuring
the luscious Miss Trixie Delight!

- I had my photo took!
- You did?

- Come get a photo with me?
- Not now.

- It'll only take a minute!
- Not now!

- It won't be here after tonight!
- I can't help that.

- How many times will you see it?
- As many as I like.

- You've seen it half a dozen.
- I might see it more. Go play bingo.

- I don't want to.
- Write another love note to St Roosevelt.

- Maybe I will!
- Stop standing around checking on me.

I ain't about to leave some poor child
stranded. I got scruples, too.

- You know what that is, scruples?
- No.

But if you've got them, it's a sure
bet they belong to somebody else.

And his name ain't Frank! It's Franklin!
