Paper Moon

You know that red-headed lady,
named Miss Trixie Delight?

- She thinks you're real cute.
- Says you and who else?

Honest! She says you're better looking
than Dick Powell.

- The lady's got good taste!
- Thought you'd like to know.

Just a minute!
Give these to her.
Say they're with Floyd's compliments.

She'll like that!
Maybe you should write her a note.

What kind?
I thought men always wrote ladies notes
when they send presents.

Maybe you should ask for a date.
That'd tickle her.

Yeah, maybe I ought to.
Say, she's not married, is she?

She don't even have a regular boyfriend.
The man with her yesterday is my daddy.

He's her manager. She's a dancer.
I figured she was something like that.
Whereabouts does she dance?

- Lots of big places. She's a star.
- How about that!

Why not print it? She likes that.
Print it, huh?
"Some sweets for the sweet.
"Some girls say I'm a smooth dancer
myself. How about trying me out?"

- You sure this is going to work?
- I don't know, but we'll give it a try.

Throw this in the drawer, will you?
Keep your fingers crossed.
- Who is it?
- It's Addie.

What is it?
I got a message from Moze.
He had to run over to Haynesville.

He won't be back until suppertime.
I think he had to get something fixed
on his car. He'll be gone all day.

Well, OK.
