Riti, magie nere e segrete orge nel trecento

Go back inside.
Jack Nelson. I know you.
I know you, Jack Nelson.
Go back inside. Quickly.
I had no intention to dance.
Should I be happy or scared
in this castle?

It's a castle like any other.
Help me.
Help me.
I was attacked.
Somebody attacked me.

She slipped.
No, I was attacked.
It was a horrible monster.
Something jumped me from behind.
I felt a terrible force.

I was scared to death.
It had green hair, like all monsters.
And its eyes were like fire.

I jumped to free myself.
He held my mouth shut with an awful,
big, hairy hand. It was disgusting.

You have a rich imagination.
- Why do you want to ruin my party?
