Save the Tiger

Come on, what're we jerking
each other off for?

Get her on the phone, set it up.
Me call Margo today?
With all of the buyers in town?

- There's not a chance.
- Wait a minute. Hold on.

What're you giving me this shit for?
This is me, Freddy Mirrell, remember?
Why, we do $80,000 a year, the past
six years that's almost half a million.

Harry, have I ever asked you
for a Christmas card?

No, Fred, you've always been
perfectly straight.

You're God damn right.
That's the way I play the game,
everybody knows that.

I'm just trying to tell you it's not that easy.
That's a very popular lady.
Why didn't you call me from Cleveland?

Harry, I don't make calls like that
from Cleveland.

Harry, I don't want to argue with you.
You and me,
we go back a hell of a long ways.

I spent 5,362 nights...
with a sick woman. Wait a minute.
Don't misunderstand me, Harry, I...
Edna's no bitch.

You know Edna, she's a good wife.
She's a hell of a cook, Harry.

It's just, well...
it's all those God damn operations.
The woman is all scarred up, Harry.
Now after 15 years,
I need these little diversions.

You know what I mean?
Yeah, I know what you mean.
Say, it's only 11:30.
Come on, Harry, call the girl.
I'll try. I mean, for you...
I'll try but like I said,
it's not easy, you know and...

God, she's gonna have
to break appointments...

you're talking about a lot of money.
Why, you rotten son of a bitch.
Harry, I just threw my heart
across your desk.
