Save the Tiger

Are you all right, Mr. Stoner?
- I'm fine.
- You're sure?

Yes, I'm fine.
Welcome to Los Angeles.
Before we begin our show, this afternoon...
I should like to present our president,
the president of Capri Casuals...

the man who made all this possible,
Mr. Harry Stoner.

Thank you. Thank you, Jackie.
First I would like to...

welcome all of you,
thank you for being present...

of course, I don't know all of you
personally, but our field men do.

And through our...
field men...
our professional ties with some of you...
go back 15 years.
There are some faces missing.
But the spirit of the company...
Charlie Company.
I sincerely hope that you like...
what we're going to present, this afternoon.
Our field men, of course, will...
