
- What's with the shoe?
- What's with minding your own business?

Boy, some partner l picked.
You didn't pick me. I picked you.
Because you gave me your last match.
You made me laugh.
The damn crows are laughing.
I remember the first time
l was in Catholic school.

A nun called me up in front of the class,
says, "Francis, stick out your hand."

So l stick out my hand.
She whacks it with a stick.
I said, "What did l do?"

She said, "You were talking."
I said, "No, l wasn't."

She says, "Yes, you were."
I said, "How could l be talking?
I don't know anybody here.

"This is my first day in school."
That's as far as we can take you.
Hey, chief, l thought
you were gonna take us to a town.

This is our town.
No wonder they lost the war.
Nobody can understand them.
- Been eating rice for a year?
- Yeah. We all have.

- My system couldn't handle that.
- No, it's very good for your system.

Look at my baby.
- He's healthy and pure.
- Yeah. Right.

He likes you, Max.
