
Close up!
Wait, Frank!
Come on!
I ain't got nothing!
Beat it, fuck face!
Get the other one! Get out of here!
Get up against the wall.

What the hell's goin' on here?
Who the hell are you?

-Who are you?
-The police! Who the hell you think?

Get the fuck against the wall.
Up, up, up!

- Let me see your shield.
- All right. There's my shield.

- Where are you from?
- The borough. Manhattan 8th.

No, goddamn it! I just paid
the borough this morning!

What the hell kind of
shakedown is this?

Who'd you pay
in the borough?

I didn't pay no--

Who'd you pay
in the borough?

I didn't pay nobody.
Now let go of me.

We followed up,
and there's no doubt about it.

The pad here in Manhattan
is bigger...

and it's more sophisticated
than the one in the Bronx.

The pickups here are made--
You want to get this--

The pickups are made by...
retired policemen.
That way, no plainclothesmen
are directly involved.

Now, we need investigative help
on this one, Chief.

Ifyou need investigative help
and you don't trust your own men...
