
why don't you requisition some
recruits from the police academy?

With all due respect,

backing us up is the only hope
the police department has got.

Good cops would come forward if they
thought there was encouragement...

in the department to do so, and if
they thought it would do any good.

If there's no encouragement,
they're not gonna do it.

I've done a lot more than most
people to defend and preserve...

the image of this department
and protect Commissioner Delaney...

against reckless and irresponsible
assaults from outside agencies.

That's it, huh?
I mean, that's what's
really important, isn't it?

That's what
you want to know--

what outside agencies
I've been to, right?

- Hello.
- Hello, prick.

- Who is this?
- Frank.

- How are you? Where are you?
- I'm ready to go to the Times.

It's a goddamn
serious step, Frank.

I don't know if
the timing is right.

Look, I want it to get on
the record, that's all...

in case something
should happen to me.

I want it on the record.
I don't know ifwe
carry enough weight.

I don't know if the New York Times
will go that far out on a limb...

on the say-so
of two flunky cops.

Suppose an inspector
were to come with us?

You know, I got 20 years
on the force.

Just bought this place.
I signed a 500-year mortgage on it.

- Turn that thing off out there!
- Come on. Everybody to bed.

- Aw, Mom!
- Turn that damn thing down!

Come on, now.
Go on upstairs.

You said we could go
to bed late!

This is against department
regulations, you both know that.

If they want to throw the book
at me, they can do it.
