
We need a location!
I've given you 36 locations
that are paying off.

Now, what do you want? The whole
thing signed, sealed, delivered?

You're conducting this
investigation, not me.

Lieutenant Smith--
Let's get back to him.

Lieutenant Smith.
Lieutenant Smith said to me...

if I didn't want the money that
he would stash it in his attic.

I'll have him transferred
in the morning.

Fuck him.
How about transferring me?

I hearyou been
vouchering pad money...

over to a confidential
investigation squad.

Oh, yeah? How can I voucher money
when I don't take any?

You won't find anything
on Serpico.

He's clean.
You practicing your frisk?
I'm looking to buy
a used tape recorder.

They're feeling me up every day.
How am I gonna wear a wire?

Come on, Frank.
Wearing a wire means testifying to
corroborate the tape, right? Right.

I'm not testifying.
I gotta put a dime
in the parking meter.

Ragland, put a dime
in the parking meter for Serpico.

Hey, Frank. Frank, you know
Herman Tauber, district attorney?

Yeah, I watch television.
Frank, I want to compliment you
for coming forward like this.

It's unique.
It's uniquely unique.
You should be proud ofyourself.

There's gonna be a grand jury
on these shitheels...
