
Yeah, I'll change.
I'll meet you at the car, okay?

Honey, I thought we were
going upstairs to have a little chat,

and if you were embarrassed
about the mess,

you know I'm always glad
to help you tidy up.

Although, what you're going to do
when you get married, I don't know.

Oh, did I tell you
the Cunningham girl is engaged?

She's about your age, and she finally
found somebody that suits her.

He's a doctor.
Well, he's a veterinarian,
but the animals are all
owned by wealthy people...

and he has
his own hospital.

So you see, honey? Just because things
aren't working out...

with you and your editor...
Uh, what's his name? ...Jim?

- I don't want to discuss that.
- Oh.

Well, I'm not trying
to interfere, honey.

But you know, this doctor has
a very interesting young assistant.

Grace, that reminds me.
They've started
right in our neighborhood,

and I don't know whether the zoning laws
are going to permit it.

And I just don't know
how they got away with it.

But three or four blocks away
from us... Are you listening, honey?

Because this would make a very
interesting story for your newspaper.

An experimental

Now, you see, what's worse is that
they just let them walk around.

The whole idea is that instead
of locking them up,

they let them live
in a house...

and the doctors make
a home for them,

and it's sort of a family situation,
just like real people.

It's very advanced.
I saw something about it on television.

Now you see, honey?
There are interesting things...

going on right here
on Staten Island.

But I tell you,
I don't feel safe at night.

- Would you stop here? Pull over.
- Why?
