
Then, when you've recovered
your strength, we'll discuss the plan.

I still can't believe this.
What do you mean "hiding"? Who am I
hiding from? What does she mean?

You might as well know, Miles,
that reviving you as we did

was in strict opposition
to government policy.

What we've done is illegal.
If we get caught,
we'll be destroyed... along with you.

What do you mean "destroyed"?
Your brain will be
electronically simplified.

My brain?
It's my second-favourite organ.

Resisters to mind-reprogramming will be
exterminated for the good of the state.

What kind of government you guys got?
This is worse than California.

There is a growing underground, Miles.
Someday the revolution will come
and we can overthrow our leader.

You gotta be kidding.
I wanna go back to sleep.

If I don't get at least 600 years,
I'm grouchy all day.

We're taking him along too fast.
He's still emotionally unstable.

I go in for a lousy ulcer operation,
I lay in a Birds Eye wrapper for 200 years,

I wake up,
suddenly I'm on the ten-most-wanted list!

We'd better tranquillise him.
It was too good to be true.
I parked right near the hospital.

Here. Smoke this. Be sure you get
the smoke deep into your lungs.

- I don't smoke.
- It's tobacco.

It's one of the healthiest things for you.
Now, go ahead.

You need all the strength you can get.
I bought Polaroid at seven.
It's probably up millions by now.

Now, we have certain artefacts here
which we date from 1950 to 2000.

We'd like any information you can give us
on them. Very little exists.
