
I think maybe you trust me a bit now.
Maybe you think I got you food and, what
the hell, I'm not really such a bad guy.

OK. Now, we're gonna get a vehicle.
And don't try anything funny
or you'll be sorry. Come on.

Our car broke down.
Is it possible we could borrow one?

Sure. Come on in. Are you OK?
My goodness gracious. Just look
at yourself. You're so dishevelled.

I might have some clothes
you could just jump right into.

Why don't you just come this way?
- Her car ran out of...
- What, honey?

We have to borrow a car.
- What are you mumbling about?
- Could I use your bathroom?

Yes, of course.
Come on in and sit down.
Come on in here and you just sit
right down here, you little cutie.

Hello, police? I can't speak.
I'm with the alien.

We're heading west on the 1600 channel.
We should be at the eastern parallel
in a half an hour.

- Detain him somehow. We'll be right out.
- OK, I'll try.

But I'm not gonna promise anything.
Don't let him out of your sight.
We're on our way.

- Would you like a stroke?
- Me? No, thanks, man. I'm cool.

Excuse me.
Do you have a space hydrovac suit?

Of course. Why?
Are you going on the space shuttle?

Yes, I am. And he forgot his.
Reagan. Bring out my hydrovac suit.
Right this minute.

Here's your silly old hydrovac suit.
Jesus, I could hardly find it.
It's such a mess in that bedroom.
