The Day of the Jackal

The time elapsed from the first
to the lastshot was seven seconds.

In all, more than 140 shots were fired.
Several bullets pierced the President's car.
One came within an inch of his head.
But, as if by a miracle,
neither he nor anyone else was hurt.

Six months later:
Most of the conspirators
have been caught and tried.

Their leader, Colonel Bastien-Thiry,
has been sentenced to death.

At the last moment, his lawyer
tries one more time for a stay of execution.

The appeal for clemency
has been turned down.

There is nothing more one can do.
I am sorry.
There is no need.
For heaven's sake,
don't you realize you're going to be shot?

You don't understand.
No French soldier is going to raise
his rifle against me.

Here is the 8:00 news for today,
March 11, 1963.

An hour ago, in the courtyard
of the Fort d'Ivry, outside Paris...

...Lieutenant Colonel Bastien-Thiry
was executed by firing squad...

...for leading the attempt on the life
of General De Gaulle last August.

The OAS now seems
completely demoralized...

:06:38 the splendid performance
of our national security forces.

Already it is known that
the new chief of operations of the OAS...

...Colonel Mark Rodin, a former
paratroop commanderin Algeria...

:06:48 on the run
and hiding somewhere in Austria.

Today's execution must surely mean
that the OAS is finished...

...once and for all.
