The Day of the Jackal

What are the finances like, René?
No wonder our people are giving up.
They've lost faith.

We've failed them every single time.
We won't fail again!
What can we do? We're paralyzed.
Every cop in France knows us.
informants are all around us.

We must find an outsider. A foreigner.
-A foreigner? Why?
-A contract killer.

One that hasn't worked in France,
so he won't have a police record.

-He can come and go as he pleases.
-That sort of person costs money.

I'll find the right man.
We'd better meet again
in three months, in Vienna.

In the pension you both know:
Pension Kleist. June 15.

It's a limited market.
I've compiled 11 dossiers
over three months.

Only those four men
seemed anywhere near right.

Now that you've read the files,
what do you think?

-One Englishman did all these jobs?
-I don't believe it.

-It's true.
-He did that fellow in the Congo?

And Trujillo?
-That's our man then, isn'tit?

I should say so.
I'm glad you agree on the final choice.
-Because he'll be here any moment.

He's arriving this afternoon from London.
A normal precaution, you understand.
Come in.
