The Day of the Jackal

-If we decided to employ a professional--
-You have to employ a professional.

Your organization is
so riddled with informers...

...that nothing you decide
is a secret for long.

The job would have to be done
by an outsider.

The only question is
by whom and for how much?

Will you do it?
-How much?

Understand, this is a once-in-a-lifetime job.
-They can never work again.
-How much?

-Half a million, in cash.

Half in advance and half on completion.
-Half a million francs?

Are you mad?
Considering you'd get France in return,
I thought it a reasonable price.

But if you can't manage it,
there's nothing more to be said.

We accept.
How many people know about this?
-Just the four of us.
-Let's keep it that way.

This job depends on absolute secrecy.
No notes must be kept.
If any of you is captured, I shall call it off.
I suggest you stay in a safe place under
guard until the work is done. Agreed?

The planning will be mine.
No one else will get the details
and you won't hear from me again.

Here's the name and account number
of my bank in Switzerland.

When they tell me the first $250,000
has been deposited, I'll move...

...provided I'm ready.
But I'll not be hurried in any way.
All I want from you is
a phone number in Paris...

...that I can call
about changes in De Gaulle's plans.

The contact mustn't know
who I am or what this is about.

Send me the number by mail.
How do you expect us
to find the money so soon?

Use your network to rob some banks.
One last thing.
What code name will you use?
Why not "The Jackal"?
Why not?
There's nothing more you want from us.
You'll be working completely alone.

Not completely.
One will have the cooperation of De Gaulle.

He won't listen to his security service
and stay out of the public eye.
