The Exorcist

If you want to effect any change,
you have to do it within the system.

Okay, cut! That's a wrap.
I think I'll walk home tonight, Mike.
Here, take that and drop it by my house.

Good night, Tom.
There's not a day in my life
that I don't feel like a fraud.

I mean, priests, doctors, lawyers.
I've talked to them all.

I don't know anyone who hasn't felt that.
In here.
-Hi. How did your day go?
-Not too bad.

It was like the Walt Disney version
of the Ho Chi Minh story.

Other than that, it was terrific.
What have we got, anything exciting?

Also, you got an invitation.
What's this?
Dinner at the White House.
You're kidding me!
What, a big party or something?

I think it's five or six people.
Thursday? All right.
Hi, Mom.
What did you do today?
-What does "stuff" mean?
