The Girl Most Likely to...

- Come on, Teddy baby.
- Nice.

- Come on, sweetheart, don't...
- Come on, Teddy.

Go right through here.
Bye, Teddy.
So then I skipped another term,
and here I am.

Youngest intern on the staff,
and they never let me forget it.

They never let up on the teasing.
People can be cruel, can't they?
Someday I'm going to prove I'm not
just a kid. You know what I mean?

I got so involved talking...
Oh, thanks.
Well, you're normal. It's just a bad cold.
And your chest x-ray
doesn't show any infection.

- You look worse than you really are.
- That's what everyone says.

You'll be fine.
I enjoyed talking to you.
- I really like you.
- I really like you, too.

You do?
Miriam, I know this sounds crazy...
but could we meet tomorrow sometime?
I'd love to.
Well, I'm on duty here after 4:00.
Nothing much ever happens around then.
Could just be the two of us.
That's not bad. What year is it?
Last week. We make it in the lab.
It's good.
Must be from the shady side of the room.

- I shouldn't.
- Why not?

Wine makes me feel very sexy.
You make me feel very sexy.
- Did that surprise you?
- Sort of.

Ted, please. I hardly know you.
How can you say that
after I took an x-ray of your chest?

Please, not here.
Why not? You're over 21.
And if two people are over 21
and want each other...
