The Girl Most Likely to...

You sure the only way
to get to this place is by parachute?

Darling, you've got to trust me.
I trust you. It's the guy who packed
this parachute I don't trust.

- Okay.
- It's simple.

We'll free fall for a while.
Then you count to 15.

You can count to 15, can't you?
After that,
you just pull this little bitty handle.

I'll be right behind you, baby.
And believe me, it'll all be worth it.
Now. Ready?
- Do you remember Miriam Knight?
- Who?

The girl who helped you study Shakespeare.
Kind of fat and scraggly looking?
You left her in a drive-in movie?
Yeah. I wonder what ever happened to her.
You're looking at her right now, Romeo.
- You're Miriam?
- That's right, buddy.

It's time to pull the cord.
- Hey, don't fool around.
- I'm not.

But I'm a first-draft draft choice.
What a shame. His chute didn't open.
And I'll never forgive him
for getting himself killed.

Did he have any enemies?
None. Are you kidding? Nah.
As a matter of fact,
this Saturday is a tribute to him.

At halftime, the marching band
is going to form a coffin.
