The Last of Sheila

He didn't mean anything...
You don't do commercials
for liquor companies.

Why can't we just go on a vacation
like normal people?

Let's board.
I don't want to leave the luggage,
and I ain't carrying it three feet.

- Is your back okay?
- Yeah, so far.

I pray it stays that way
and that Clinton stays in a good mood.

Where is everybody?
You don't think they're below
playing sardines or something, do you?

I'll bet Clinton's got games planned
for every day.

Just as long as he sticks to the days
and leaves us some nights for ourselves.

Hey! Tommy! Lee!
It's a mistake!
What do you think, gang?
Thrilled, pleased, disappointed?

It's fabulous, Clinton.
I didn't know you were coming.
- You're thrilled about it.
- I'm delighted.

Clinton can take his frustrations out
on you.

But he's always sorry after it.
- How are you, Tom?
- Hey, C.G.

- Tom, how was your flight?
- Flight was good.

All right, people. Let's line up by the prow.
- What is this, a pogrom?
- Now, come on.

- When do you wish to sail, Signor Green?
- When do I wish to sail?

Let's get out of this joint tout de suite.
All right, gang, let's line up right here.
Husbands and wives separate.

Lee, between Alice and Anthony.
Right in here.

Philip, you there. Christine.
Tom, on the other side of Christine.
Left profile, darling.
He's Italian.
I took the wrong three weeks of Berlitz.
All I know is scusi and pronto.

Pronto will be enough.
