The Last of Sheila

Why don't you go down the hall
and get yourself a job?

You're so mean to me.
Isn't she mean to me?

You started without me.
Lee, my darling, what are you doing
out here at this ungodly hour?

Have I ever told you how sweet
you were to me when I was a child?

Nothing could have been simpler.
I mean it.
At Daddy's legendary Sunday lunches.

I can still see you
on Olivia de Havilland's lap.

It's funny, you know.
She was one of the few people...

that Sheila ever had anything good
to say about.

Couldn't you sleep?
Yes, if I took a Seconal,
which I'd rather not do just yet.

Lord, I hope that Clinton
really does intend to do this movie.

Tom has done nothing but rewrite jobs
for so long now.

Need I tell you the two years we've tried
living off Clinton's options on Freak Show.
