The Last of Sheila

I would say...
There's nothing worse
than a hustler with bad timing.

Crissy, put a little of this
on my back, will you?

I'd really love to,
but it would throw my schedule off.

I have to do 25 minutes on my front today.
To make up for the 25 minutes
you spent on your back last night.

Honey, put some gunk on her back,
will you? We don't want her to burn.

Anyhow, as I was saying,
they shoot you full of these rhino tranqs...

and then they wrap you
in these hot sheets.

You wake up five days later
about 30 pounds thinner...

and screaming for hot turkey sandwiches.
I mean, it's...

- You listening to me?
- Kind of.

I'm here because I've got a client to keep
and one to get. What's your excuse?

I'm trying to hold on to a husband
who's trying to hold on.

With your money?
I like you best alone.
People have been telling me that for years.
You know that guy on the corner...
who winds up his little mechanical men,
and they run crazily around?

- I'm that guy.
- Oh, Clinton.

"Oh, Clinton," what?
- I'm sorry.
- You're sorry, what?

I'm sorry Anthony
didn't handle that better.

Cut. Print.
