The Last of Sheila

I tear them neatly in half
and drop them in the wastebasket.

Then I say to myself...
I'm still weak, Clinton,
but I'm eating solid food.

I say to myself, "If there's one thing I hate,
it's to have my island speech interrupted."

I say to myself:
"No, you poor people...
"you don't deserve a good king like me."
That's what I say.
Three hours to magic time. Bye-bye!
Heidi-ho, gamesters!
Everybody on the deck.
There they are.
It really touches me, the way
you people humor me day after day.

Here they are, gang,
your clues for this evening.

Read them and weep. Good work, Tom.
All right, the launch will be back
to pick you up at 8:20 sharp. Be ready.

Hey, Clinton! Who are we looking for?
Tonight, the homosexual.
In a monastery?
Where else?
"The isle off the Church of Saint Pierre."
Shouldn't that... That must be "of." "O-F."
"This isle, now largely uninhabited
by modest fisher folk...

"was once the domain...
"of the devastating monastery
of forgotten men..."

- This must be a put-on, yeah?
- Clinton's fine Italian hand.

"Travelers engulf from many lands...
"to the site of
this former 11th century refuge...

"of perverts, onanists, catamites...
