The Last of Sheila

"In these ruins, monks' robes
must be worn at all times...

"in respect for the departed brothers."
I fear it's to be a costume party.
"The evening tour commences at 9:00 p.m.
and ends at 9:30 p.m., regardless.

"To begin before
will enrage the spirit of Fra Pervertus.

"The vows of silence must be observed.
So keep..."

So keep what? What does it say?
I don't like that at all.
What time is it?
It begins.
That's Clinton.
- All we have to do is find him.
- Vows of silence.

It's the sound of music, for God's sake.
How are we supposed to know
which place to look for him?

We're wasting time.
Clinton, what am I supposed to do?
Listen, I know it's you.
I heard you cough.
Now, the others there,
they're on tape. Right?
