The Last of Sheila

and he's dead... Will you stop
hawking that ice bucket?

I'm just gonna
have my Bloody Mary straight up.

Me, too. Bourbon.
Christine, listen,
Clinton's misadventure is unfortunate...

but an accident is an accident,
and a film is a film.

Has it occurred to anybody
that this isn't the first accident?

Yesterday, the propeller.
Last night, the stone.

What do you mean?
Suppose the propeller wasn't an accident.
Suppose it was a mistake.

You mean someone
was trying to kill Clinton?

- Why should anyone want to kill Chris?
- Yeah, we're not in Hollywood.

Come off it, Tom.
Look, I assumed Clinton was swimming
near the propeller. I heard him yelling.

- Didn't you? Didn't we all?
- What fantasies are you building?

Who did not solve the game last night?
Why did you say "that's funny" when
we were standing outside the chapel?

Because it was locked
when I left last night.

Then why was it unlocked this morning,
and why did Clinton put the sign out?

Because the game was over.
It was, but it shouldn't have been.
I had the homosexual card, and the game
should have gone on until I found him.

Exactly. There were
some interesting points in the chapel.

Interesting how?
Obviously, he was leaving.

The storm shook the place
and the stone fell on him.

Not unless he was crawling.
Why would he be crawling?
The stone that fell on Clinton's head
came from the base of the column.

It was grooved.
The tops of the columns are shaped like
acanthus leaves, the bottoms are grooved.

Interesting point number one.
Then, there was that piece of wood.
What's that?
I found it in the folds of Clinton's robe.
It's from the grille
on the door to the priest's box.

Interesting point number two.
I didn't see any grille on the priest's door.
