The Last of Sheila

- Who?
- Clinton.

So help me God, if this is a hoax
and he comes through that door...

I'm gonna throw this cut glass ashtray
right in his face.

There's no hoax. Clinton's dead all right.
Just say what's on your mind.
- Okay.
- May I have another?

I think it's tied up to the game
we've been playing this week.

Do you have the cards
he handed out the first night?

We passed it.
I have no idea where mine is.

All right. I'll go and look for it.
I wonder what we're gonna feel like
an hour from now.

When Tom's finished writing the scene,
I'll tell you what attitude to play.

I've done it before, you know.
I'm beginning to wish
I hadn't started all this.

You could stop right now.
It's gonna be interesting.
Thank you.
All right. Now, if everyone
will please put their cards...

if you'll pardon the expression,
on the table.

There's only five there.
Where's the other one?

- Tom?
- I'll show mine in a minute.

I'd like to see it now.
Give him a chance.
All right.
We all knew about two of these secrets.
We've already played them.

"Shoplifter" and "homosexual."
The others, we're seeing for the first time.
"Ex-convict." "Informer." "Child..."
Excuse me. "Little Child Molester."
And mine.
So, this was Clinton's idea
for a week of fun.
