The Last of Sheila

Him assigning us secrets,
us discovering them.

And it was a good game.
But some of us began to suspect
there was more to it than met the eye.

That Clinton had not assigned
these six secrets at random...

but that each player had been,
at one time in his life...

guilty of one of them.
Oh, no.
Not guilty of the secret he was assigned.
Clinton was a far more elegant
game player than that.

And he didn't want us refusing to play
on the first night...

which we well might have done
had we been assigned our own secrets.

So it was more than a game.
It was a private joke.
- What does your card say?
- In a minute.

A man is dead.
Evidence indicates that it's murder.
And we've discovered...
the murdered man was playing
a sadistic game with his guests.

A game whose central theme
was six hidden shreds from the past.

Any questions?
Yeah, but you see
he knew that I never meant to...

Christine, wait.
That's bullshit!
Nobody would have knocked Clinton's
brains in because of some stupid secret.

I agree.
Look at these cards.
Enough to make us squirm. Sure.

Enough to remind us
of just how nasty Clinton could be. Sure.

But enough to kill him?
Do let's see your card, old boy.
"Hit-and-run killer."
- What is this sick joke?
- No.

Clinton always took his games seriously.
He wouldn't have spoiled this with a joke.

It seems clear enough he believed
one of us guilty of a hit-and-run killing.

The game was to be Clinton's revenge.
- On?
- The person whom he thought...

but couldn't prove,
to be guilty of Sheila's death.

On the last night, Saturday, my turn,
he was gonna pull the plug on that person.

How do you know?
He told me yesterday
when he gave me the pill for my back.
