The Last of Sheila

- I can't tell you how sorry I am.
- I know. Are you free later?

Listen, darling, thanks for
not letting on about us yesterday.

Well, I thought...
There was enough flak in the air, right?
Well, there was.

Why don't we cool it for a while,
aside from the bad press angle?

Let's be honest with each other.
Somehow, your being available
and my not being, it's not the same.

You'll always be
the world's most attractive man.

God, what a thought I just got.
If you get married again, give me a call.
Isn't that awful?

See you tomorrow.
Goodbyes after an ocean voyage
are always so sad.

Whose fault is all this?
Clinton's? Lee's?
Or Sheila, for being a tough broad...
who liked to wander around Bel Air
at 2:00 in the morning?

- Does that make any sense?
- Nothing makes any sense.

Something Clinton said...
keeps rattling around in the back
of my head, if I could remember it.

You'll be at the Majestic?
My invitation was for a week on the yacht.
I didn't bring any pocket money.
I'll see you tomorrow, I guess.
