The Last of Sheila

but the sprung door
meant that Christine...

would have a clear view of anyone
trying to sneak out of the chapel.

I happened to notice that
when we discovered the body.

Small wonder that Clinton
had an "awful, faraway look in his eye."

Then Alice has the homosexual card.
Just keep your voice down
and get the hell out.

The moment Christine left, he intended
to duck out as soon as he possibly could...

but the timing was still unlucky
because somebody else came in:

She wasn't going to go until
she'd had her showdown with Clinton.

So he drove her into a state of hysteria...
convinced that she'd panic and run.
This is taking an awful chance...

because she could have
raised her voice enough to draw attention.

But luck was on the murderer's side...
because Lee presented him
with the best possible solution.

She exploded.
She killed a dead man.
And needlessly committed suicide.
Somebody killed my wife.
Not Christine.
Alice? Anthony.
Oh, my God.
- Tom...
- Hold on, I'll be right back.
