The Last of Sheila

What did you find?
The beginnings of an idea.
You seem pleased with yourself.
I've had the beginnings of an idea, too,
for a scenario.

It's about a middle-class writer...
who is married to a beautiful
and wealthy young woman.

Is this an original or an adaptation?
After a few years, she begins to bore him.
Not her money, she herself.

And then,
while rewriting a picture in Rome...

he renews his acquaintance with a cheap...
but not untalented young actress.
Aren't we getting a little off the subject?
I told you something
had been nagging me.

Something Clinton had said or done.
He said we didn't have to move
to play the game if we were smart enough.

And just now...
I noticed this.
I thought he was being unusually finicky
when he was lining us up.

See anything odd?
What's odd?
Everybody's been posed under a letter.
Now have a look at these secret cards.
There's something peculiar
about one of them.
