The Last of Sheila

I knew it the day I got my statement
from Harry's Rent-A-Car.

Dented fenders, Vegas.
I didn't have to be a genius
to put two and two together.

Fade in. Exterior. Day.
The yacht, the game.

You get the "Alcoholic" card
and realize what Clinton is up to.

Not until Alice so generously told me
her leopard coat story.

That late?
At any rate...
selecting the ice pick...
a classic woman's weapon...
When did you take it, I wonder?
Private finance
is not that uncommon now.

Can you imagine
how Tom would feel about that?

You skipped down to expunge Clinton...
type up a new card
that would incriminate Lee...

and toddle off to sleep soundly
to await the alarms of the morning.

I should've recognized the hatred
on your face outside Clinton's door.

Was that to have been
the moment of truth?

Alas, Clinton and Christine
were having their own moment of truth.

The next day,
you did substitute the cards...

and arranged for Lee
to see the wrong one...

making her think
Clinton had sadistic plans to expose her.

The stage was set.
Subsequent investigation of the cards
would now point to Lee...

as the only person with
a motive strong enough for murder.

Would you care to explain how I started
the propellers with Guido in the room?

That was my contribution.
