The Laughing Policeman

The external thorax is symmetrical,
comma, and there are two wounds...

in the anterior thorax, comma,
the larger measuring four by three centimeters...

and located three centimeters
below the midportion of the right clavicle.

Look at those tracks, right?
He used the tattoo to try and hide them.

- Get a close-up, Frank.
- This is beginning to turn my stomach.

I'm gonna go to the hospital
and relieve Collins.

- All right.
- Looks to have been a user for some time.

He also shot up
between the toes.

Their knowledge of anatomy
always amazes me.

The remainder of the thorax is not remarkable,
period. The external abdomen is...

- Did he have any alcohol?
- We don't know yet.

Toxicology will be finished
this afternoon.

I can make a guess, though,
that the Chinese kid was high on reds.

All the superficial signs
are there.

- Anybody relieve Collins?
- Yeah. Larrimore just did.

And there are
no deformities or masses noted, period.

Postmortem rigidity is trace in the extremities
but well developed in thejaw.

Period. Postmortem lividity is trace over
the dorsal aspect of the body, period.

There's a moderate amount
of fresh blood...

Hey, hey, hey.
- Mr. Schwermer, I'm a detective.
Now, listen carefully.
- Turn it on, man.

- Goddamn it. You haven't got it on.
- Shit.

- Come on.
- Mr. Schwermer, I'm a detective. Now...

You're wasting time.
Can you describe the man who shot you?
Can you give us a description?

That's too complicated, Jim. Mr. Schwermer,
just tell us what the man looked like.

The man that shot you.
What did he look like?

What did he look like?
That was it, but I think whatever he said there...
that might be something.

Velda. Velda.
Like a woman's name.

- Right. That's what I thought.
- Jake, think it'd be a woman?

Sounded foreign.
