The Legend of Hell House

I doubt that.
Do you?
Our attention was on that
a few moments ago.

How do you know
he didn't waLk right by us?

This house hasn't Lived up
to its reputation so far.

It hasn't taken
our measure yet.

Don't consider the house
the haunting force.

Quite evidentLy,
the probLem is created

by muLtipLe
surviving personaLities.

I take it you don't beLieve in
survivaL, Dr. Barrett.

If you mean
surviving personaLities,

you're correct.
We wiLL see.
Indeed we shaLL.
When was
the house buiLt?

I don't know.
Mr. Fischer?
1 91 9.
You seem to know
a Lot about BeLasco.

WouLd you mind
sharing it with us?

His first name
was Emeric.

He was born
on March 23, 1 87 9,

the iLLegitimate son
of an American
munitions maker.

What did he Look Like?
His was
a frightening visage,

the face of a demon
that had taken on
some human aspect.

Are you quoting?
Yes, I am.
That is his second wife.
She committed suicide
in this room in 1 927.

How taLL was he?
He was 6'5''.
They caLLed him
the Roaring Giant.

What did he do
to make this house
so eviL, Mr. Fischer?
