The Train Robbers

I guess not.
Just my old heart pounding.
Gets to doing that
when I'm around a good-looking woman.

- Want some more coffee, Mrs. Lowe?
- Thank you.

Coming up.
Lane tells us you got a little boy.
How old is he?
- Six.
- That's a good age.

What do you call him?
Matt. It was his father's name.
- Sorry, didn't mean to bring it up.
- It's all right.

No, it's not all right. I talk too much.
That's the trouble
with always running around wild.

You get kind of starved
for female attention.

You get near a woman, start talking,
and next thing you know...

you say something wrong
and hurt somebody's feelings.

Shut up, Grady, before you put
your other foot in your mouth.

See what I mean?
Hurt old Jesse's feelings.

Got him all mad at me for no cause.
I've been mad at you
ever since I've known you.

Jesse, that's 10 years.
That's an awful long time
to go around hating a man.

I never said I hated you.
Well, there ain't exactly
any love between us.

I damn sure ain't sweet,
if that's what you mean.

You know, sometimes...
I hate to break up this friendly chatter,
but it's your first guard, Grady.

Jesse, you spell him at midnight.
Don't pay any attention to Grady, ma'am.
He's his own worst enemy.

The hell he is.
It might mean nothing...
but I think I'll take a pass
at our back track.

Ma'am, when you finish that coffee,
you better bed down next to the coals.

Gets kind of chilly long towards morning.
- Jesse?
- Yes, ma'am?

How long have you known Lane?
