The Train Robbers

We'll swing west to the Bravo...
follow it on up.
That way we can stay out of trouble...

Mr. Lane!
That was a rotten thing for you to do
last night, getting me drunk!

Yes, ma'am, it was.
I suppose you found out
what you wanted to know.

Yes. Cut those mules loose. There's plenty
of feed. Somebody will pick them up.

Why don't we take them?
No mules, no gold.
No use getting shot for nothing.

- You're turning back!
- That's right.

- But you can't!
- The hell I can't!

When I start plying a woman
with whiskey...

it's time to throw the key
in the water bucket and ride on.

- Even if I tell you where the gold is?
- Even then.

I'll go back to the train stop
and wait for you.

Looks like it's a little late for that now.
Them pallbearers sure as hell grew.
Maybe we ought to jump them.
Thin them out a little.

We'd better get moving out of here!
Cal! You and Sam hang back.
Anybody starts crossing that river
before we're out of sight...

- baptize them.
- Yes, sir.

They're still up on that hill!
Got off their horses
and went to cook coffee.

If we're gonna head west,
now's the time to do it.

- Unpack the mules.
- Hold it!

- I hate to cross you, Lane.
- Then don't.

I've got to. We just ran from a fight.
