Angst essen Seele auf

People always give you
such a funny look.

Me not look funny.
No, not you.
l clean.
l'm a cleaning lady.

ln big company?
Not too big,
but there's a lot of glass.

lt's hard work.
There are four of us to
clean eight floors.

We do two each,
one in the morning and
one in the evening.

l'm free in between to
do private jobs.

They're always looking for
cleaners nowadays.

l never learned a proper trade.
You wouldn't believe some of
the things that happen.

One employer sends for
me in his Mercedes.

With a chauffeur!
Who am l to refuse?
He has a factory or something.
You should wear lighter-colored
suits, Ali.

They'd look better on you.
Me? Light suits?

lt's none of my business, but ...
dark clothes look so sad,
don't they?

Don't know.
lt's good to talk with someone.
l'm alone most of the time.
All the time, really.
My children have their own lives.
You have many children?
two sons and a daughter.
They're all married.

Where... other town?
No, here.
But they live their own lives.
We get together on special
occasions, but...

With us in Morocco,
family always together.
Mama never alone.
Mama alone, not good.
Other countries have other customs.
l'll go see if the rain's stopped.
