Angst essen Seele auf

This is where Hitler used to eat,
from 1929 to '33.
l've always wanted to come here.
Hitler, you know?
-Hitler, yes.

Let's just order the most expensive
things on the menu.

The best soups, the best starters.
Or do you want something special?

l eat what you eat.
Good heavens! Look at that!
Caviar costs 45 marks!
Still, today's a special day.
Did you know
that there's golden caviar, too?

l read it in a magazine.
Golden caviar?
-Yes, like real gold.

But it goes to the Shah of Persia.
Ordinary people can't get it.
Caviar's good for love, they say.
Good for love?
Yes, it puts you in the mood.
But l don't believe that.
Or only a bit.
So, l'll order now.
Have you decided?

We've decided.
Two lobster cream soups,
caviar for two ...
and Chateaubriand ...
