Animals Are Beautiful People

Trees are very scarce
in the White Namib...

:09:23 the little weaverbirds
have learned to share and cooperate.

They build large condominiums
where dozens of families can live...

...each in its own apartment.
And they go in for quite a variety
of architectural styles:

Squat ranch type, complex...
...modern, artistic...
...high-rise, and even symbolic.
Some nests are more than 100 years old,
and the little tenants...

...are continually building on,
remodeling and repairing.

A cozy little community
where you can raise a contented family.

But sometimes tragedy strikes.
Once in a long while, a dewdrop
will hang in just the right spot...

:10:31 the right time, to focus the sun's rays
on the dry, combustible thatch.

In a few minutes, the flames destroy
a hundred years' work...

...and bring grief to many families.
