Animals Are Beautiful People

...and a holier-than-thou expression
on his unlovely face.

They seem to look down their noses
at everyone else...

...and always seem to be discussing...
...the follies and the sinfulness
of the other animals.

The female ostrich is a dull gray,
but the male is a handsome devil.

At mating time, the handsome boys
flash their plumage to impress the girls.

And the less good-looking ones
have to fight for their lady loves.

Finally, a loving couple
will find a secluded spot...

:21:12 do their beautiful mating dance.
Pretty soon, they start a family.
Actually, he's a better parent than she is.
And on a hot afternoon, she will join
the rest of the gang at the water hole...

...leaving him to keep an eye
on the nest.

This is a full-time job,
because each egg is a whole meal...

...and there are many freeloaders
in the Namib.
