Animals Are Beautiful People

She's not satisfied and vents her fury
on his substandard workmanship.

"You didn't like it, huh?"
"You bet your life I didn't like it."

He will try again, and this time he
chooses the neighborhood carefully.

He's all of a twitter
because she's watching.

First he has to tie two twigs together,
but it's not easy. Those twigs are springy.

Oh, boy, it's not easy.
But if all those others can do it,
he can too.

One day, he'll build
a house he can be proud of...

...although he'll still get nervous
when his wife comes to approve it.

The hornbill installs his wife inside a tree
trunk and seals her up for three months.

But first he cleans out her cell
to make sure she'll be comfortable in there.

Then he flies off to get some clay
to wall her in, and she starts undressing.

She plucks out her coarser feathers so she
can be soft for the chicks when they hatch.

Without those feathers, she can't fly,
but she won't be using her wings for a while.

He comes back with a beakful
of clay and blocks the entrance...

:48:33 she and her chicks will be safe.
He leaves only a slit, the
size and shape for a hornbill's bill...

:48:41 he can bring her food and water
while she lays and hatches her eggs.

And then there are suddenly five mouths to
feed, and Father has to provide for them all.

Throughout the summer,
he's the hardest-working member...

...of the opulent Cubango community.
