Death Wish

When do I get a look-see?
In a couple days.
Guard said you were here
until after midnight.

That's the way I work.
Somebody once said,
I forget who...

...that he never looked back, because
something might be gaining on him.

What's gaining on you, Paul?
Twenty-million-dollar investment,
what else?

I was gonna ask you to dinner but
I don't think you'd be good company.

No, I don't think I would.
Might amuse you. Maybe you've
never seen a club like this.

It's a gun club. We shoot guns.
So much hoopla
from gun control people...

...half the nation's scared
to hold a gun.

Like it was a snake that would bite.
Hell, a gun is just a tool.
Like a hammer. Or an axe.
Used to put food on the table.
Keep foxes out of the chicken coop,
bandits out of the bank.

How long since you held
a pistol in your hand?

A long time.
- Which war was yours? Korea?
- Yeah.

- See much action?
- A little.

Were you infantry?
I was a C.O. In a medical unit.
A commanding officer, huh?
Conscientious objector.
Oh, Christ.
What a guest to bring to a gun club.
