Effi Briest

And what became of lnnstetten?
He didn't kill himself,
or he wouldn't be coming today.

He resigned his commission...
and began to study law.
But Frau von Briest,
who couId aIso be unconventionaI herseIf...

detained Effi as she was hurrying off.
She Iooked at
the charming young creature...

who was stiII fIushed from pIaying
and in the bIoom of youth.

And she confided to her.:
''I think you had best stay as you are.
''Yes, stay as you are.
You Iook very comeIy...

''so innocent and unprepared,
not at aII primped up.

''And that's the main thing right now.
''I have something to teII you, Effi.''
She took her daughter by both hands.

''I must teII you....''
''What's the matter, Mama?
You frighten me.''

''I have to teII you, Effi...
''that Baron Innstetten
has asked for your hand.''

''Asked to marry me? SeriousIy?''
''It's not a matter to joke about.
''You saw him two days ago,
and I think you Iiked him.

''He is oIder than you,
but that is aII to the good.

''He's a man of good character,
weII-situated and weII-bred...

''and if you don't say no,
which I scarceIy expect you to do...

''by the age of 20, you wiII be...
''where others are at 40.
''You'II rise much higher than your mother.''
Effi, come here!
Effi was not greatIy interested...
in mundane possessions...
but when she went stroIIing
with her mother...

perusing the window dispIays
and went into the Demuth store...
