Effi Briest

by the middle of November.
Show him in!
My husband already told me.
He's in his office...
but he should be back any minute.
l'd like to tell you how much pleasure...
your beautiful flowers
and card gave me yesterday.

l ceased to feel like a stranger here.
And when l told lnnstetten,
he said we would become firm friends.

The district councillor said that?
The councillor and your dear self...
are, if l may say so, ma'am...
the perfect match of two kind persons.
For l know what your husband is like...
and l can see how you are, ma'am.
l hope your eyes don't deceive you.
l'm so very young...
-and youth--
-Ah, my dear lady...

don't say anything against youth.
with all its faults...
is something beautiful and engaging.
Whereas age...
for all its virtues...
is not worth much.
Personally, l can't say much on the matter.
About age, l can, but not about youth...
because l was never really young.
