Effi Briest

and, after repeatedIy kissing Effi's hand,
quickIy withdrew...

without a further word.
Everywhere Effi went...
she had the same impression.
Mediocre peopIe,
usuaIIy of dubious charm...

who, whiIe taIking about Bismarck
and the Crown Princess...

were reaIIy eyeing Effi's attire.
Some thought it too pretentious
for such a young Iady.

Others found it unseemIy
for a Iady of her sociaI standing.

They recognized the infIuence of BerIin.
A regard for appearances,
a strange awkwardness...

and uncertainty
in her approach to major issues.

For the Borckes in Rothenmoor...
and the famiIies in Morgnitz
and Dabergotz...

she was ''affIicted with rationaIism''...
whiIe the Grasenabbs in Kroschentin
decIared her to be an ''atheist.''

AdmittedIy, oId Frau von Grasenabb...
née StiefeI von StiefeIstein
from south Germany...

had made a vague attempt
to cIaim Effi for the ideas of deism.

But Sidonie von Grasenabb,
a 43-year-oId spinster...

wouId have none of it.
''She's an atheist, Mother...
''and that's the truth of the matter!''
Whereupon, the oId Iady,
who feared her own daughter...

wretchedIy heId her tongue.
we should celebrate this day...
but l'm not sure how.
Shall l play you...
a victory march?
Or should l...
bear you in triumph across the hall?
We ought to do something...
for you should know...
today's courtesy visit was the last.
