Female Trouble

Mabel, Mabel
Set the table
Don't forget the red
Hot peppers
Taffy, please stop it.
You're giving mother
a migraine.

I can jump rope
if I feel like it.

It's my house, too.
You can jump rope
in the bathroom.

You know it's not
big enough in there.

Taffy, I have told you

no jumping rope
within 10 feet of me.

Those same singsong rhymes
over and over...

are enough
to grate on my nerves.

Mabel, Mabel, set the table!
Taffy, did you
hear your mother?!

Do you want another whippin'
with that car aerial?

It's right in that closet,
don't forget.

Maybe I'll stop it,
and maybe I won't.

Why can't I go to school?
Why can't I have friends?
You can't go to school,
because I said so.

I won't have you
nagging me for lunch money...

and whining for help
on your homework.

There is no need to know
about the Presidents, wars...

numbers, or science.
Just listen to me,
and you'll learn.

And no little friends
over here repeating rhymes...

asking flippant questions...
and talking in those
nagging baby voices.

Can't you just sit there
and look out into the air?

Isn't that enough?
Do you always have to
badger me for attention?

Mabel, Mabel
God damn you, Taffy!
Now you're gonna get it.
Where's that thing? Come here!
What are you doing?
Now, I'm gonna kill you!
Can you help us?
We got a huge purse.
Sure, girls.
Put it in the closet.

Nobody saw you bring
that stuff in here, did they?

No. We got it
right down the street.

Nobody was home.
Oh, good. Sit down.
You're lucky
they came in here, Miss Taffy!

We oughta get 10 bucks each
just for the TV.

Hi, there, Taffy.
